Friday, November 14, 2008

Ancient Civilizations/Art/Geography/English, Lesson 9: Ancient China

1. Add China to your world map.

I added China and (accidentally) Kazakhstan to my wold map.

2. Start reading "The Rainbow People" (a book of Chinese tales).

I started "The Rainbow People."

3d. Describe how children in your environment treat their elders. What happens to many people as they grow older? Where do they live and who takes care of them? Is age respected in this culture?

Here is my essay.

Elders in My Community

As people grow older, they lose respect, which is the opposite of what is supposed to happen in ancient China. Most people just ignore them. Many elders live alone in a house they paid for with their retirement fund. I understand the sorrow of living life and then just ceasing all existance. It would be sad. They sometimes visit other people.

Elders are not respected much in this culture. In ancient China, elders were granted utmost respect for their supposed wisdom. Other kids ignore elders, and I’ve known some kids that are afraid of elders. The main reason why elders should have respect is because most elders are unable to help themselves sometimes; such as crossing a street. I think that elders should live with another person to help them.

If people all helped their elders, then I'm sure that they would be happier.

4a. Using a bamboo brush, a bowl of black watercolor paint and a large piece of white paper, paint a picture of bamboo. Each section of the bamboo's trunk should be drawn upward; the whole trunk should also be formed on the same principle - from root upward.

Bamboo by Tennessee

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