Monday, September 22, 2008

Week 1 Summary

Tennessee understands what Science is and why it is important to us. He has a firm grasp on the five steps of the scientific method and conducted his own experiment to illustrate his expertise in this area.

Ancient Civilizations
Tennessee learned about the Stone Age civilization. He studied cave paintings and explored the importance of the discovery of fire. He identified three ways in which fire was important to the stone age people and carved his own version of a stone age tool. Tennessee also demonstrated his knowledge of geography by drawing a map of the “old world”.

Tennessee already knew the meaning and spelling of all of his vocabulary words except for bola. He looked that word up and now has an excellent understanding of bola. He wrote an essay about the importance of fire for Stone Age humans and showed knowledge of paragraph forms, topic sentences, as well as descriptive and informative writing styles. He also wrote a brief newspaper article demonstrating the same knowledge.

Tennessee completed two exams in 6th grade Math this week. He scored 100% on each.

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